Since the 1800s, fluoride has been a key component in rat poison and insecticides. When mixed into grain or other food, rats will readily consume the poison and die. This method was deemed to be preferable to other poisonous compounds because it was less hazardous to the humans and livestock that might accidentally ingest it. The use of fluoride in rat poison has declined over the years, replaced by blood-thinning compounds that were deemed to be safer and more effective.
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'On Monday, January 11, EPA announced that they have granted all our Objections to the use of sulfuryl fluoride on the grounds that children are being overexposed to fluoride. EPA therefore is withdrawing ALL previously allowed tolerances for sulfuryl fluoride on ALL foodstuffs. This is the first time in EPA's history that they have granted an Objection to a pesticide.'
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Fluoridation / Fluoride
Toxic Chemicals In Your Water
Fluoride compounds which are put in water (fluoridation), toothpaste and supplement tablets (including some vitamins) were never tested for safety before approval. Recent independent research by scientists not associated with dental trade organizations has shown the following:Neurotoxic and Lowers IQ
Alzheimer's disease and dementia in rats
Causes Cancer
Changes Bone Structure and Strength
Causes Birth Defects and Perinatal Deaths
Proven IneffectiveFluoride compounds in water and in supplements do not provide any significant cavity-protecting effects.
Banned in Many Countries
Fluoride Rat Poison
How to Detox Fluorides from Your BodyMonday, July 13, 2009 by: Paul Fassa, citizen journalist |
Learn more:
NaturalNews) You can rid you body of most fluorides with some easy natural remedies. Fluorides have been linked to a variety of severe chronic, even acute health issues
Sodium Fluoride is a synthetic waste product of the nuclear, aluminum, and phosphate fertilizer industries. This fluoride has an amazing capacity to combine and increase the potency of other toxic materials. The sodium fluoride obtained from industrial waste and added to water supplies is also already contaminated with lead, aluminum, and cadmium.
It damages the liver and kidneys, weakens the immune system, possibly leading to cancer, creates symptoms that mimic fibromyalgia, and performs as a Trojan Horse to carry aluminum across the blood brain barrier. The latter is recognized as a source of the notorious "dumbing down" with lower IQ's and Alzheimer's effects of fluoride.
It damages the liver and kidneys, weakens the immune system, possibly leading to cancer, creates symptoms that mimic fibromyalgia, and performs as a Trojan Horse to carry aluminum across the blood brain barrier. The latter is recognized as a source of the notorious "dumbing down" with lower IQ's and Alzheimer's effects of fluoride.